BMB Marching Technique
Table of Contents
Command/Response Key: Capitalized = On beat ::: lower case = On the “and” of beat ::: --- = Empty beat ::: ___ = Elongated word ::: / = Alternative versions of the same command
Attention, and its various forms, are the foundation of marching band. Attention is where we decide what kind of marching band we are going to be. It is determined by the intensity, passion, and care to detail you put in to executing these commands and actions each time that they are called for. "A band is not proud because it performs well, it performs well because it is proud." - George N Parks
Command: De tail --- A ten Hut
Verbal Response: Hit
Heels together, toes 90 degrees (first position, turned out)
Legs straight, but not locked
Hips centered (don’t spill your cereal)
Arms in loose fists along seam of pants
Chest expanded
Shoulders wide, down, and back
Chin and eyes up with pride
Horns Up/Down
Command: Band Horns Up --- / Band Horns Down ---
Verbal Response: Tsst
For fake horns up
Left hand fist, thumb towards your face
Right hand rests on top
Left hand thumb knuckle parallel with nose
Arms form “power triangle” (equilateral triangle)
Don't allow your chest and shoulders to collapse forward
Motion is a quick snap
For fake horns down
Snap back to standard attention
Mark Time
Command: Mark Time Mark ---
Verbal Response: And One
Toes come together on first two counts
Heels lift, toes stay in contact with the ground
Parade Rest
Command: De tail --- Pa rade Rest
Verbal Response: Tsst
Feet in second position (shoulder width, toes turned out)
With no instrument: Hands together with left in fist and right over top, in front of body
Command: Dress Left/Center/Right/Form Dress ---
Verbal Response: Tsst
Head snaps in commanded direction
Horn snaps up
Adjust to appropriate position
Wait in dress until next command
Command: Ready___ Front ---
Verbal Response: Tsst
Head snaps back to front
Return to attention position
The basis of our movement philosophy is in a straight leg technique. Marching band is unique because it combines music with an incredible visual element. We want the cleanliness of our sound to be matched and amplified by the cleanliness and unity of our movement. When the members of the ensemble understand and embrace a core visual idea we can achieve the unity of motion and music we are striving for.
Forward March
Command: For ward___ March
Verbal Response: And One
Straight leg
Feet should scuff the turf on transition between steps
Watch out for back knee bend, you want to keep legs straight without locking your knees all the way through the step
Backward March
Command: Back March Back
Verbal Response: Pop and One
Straight leg
Think about dragging your toes as you move backward
Not too high on toes, just on the platforms of your feet
Engaged core, this will keep you from wobbling as you go!
Command: Left/Right Slide Left/Right
Verbal Response: And One
Upper body remains toward the original direction of travel
Shoulders are always parallel to the sideline
Lower body shifts so feet are going the correct direction using appropriate technique
Can be done in either forward or backward march
Command: Ready___ Halt
Verbal Response: Point Close
Comes back to first position
Point right toe to "stab" your dot on final step
Bring left foot in with a straight line, don't whip your left leg around
Command/Response Key: Capitalized = On beat ::: lower case = On the “and” of beat ::: --- = Empty beat ::: ___ = Elongated word ::: / = Alternative versions of the same command